If you delete Telegram, your account will be closed and all your messages will be lost. You won’t be able to access your chats, nor can you view or reply to them.

No, it does not. Deleting Telegram deletes the app and all its data from your phone.

Telegram is a popular messaging app that allows users to delete messages. If you are looking for deleted messages, you will need to check the user’s profile on the Telegram website.

Yes. If you delete messages on Telegram, they will be deleted for good.

Yes, deleting your Telegram account will delete all messages.

When a contact is blocked by the user, they will disappear from your contacts list. They are still on Telegram, but you will not be able to see them in your contacts list anymore.

Yes, they will know that you logged out.

The best way to delete your Telegram chat is by deleting the app from your phone.