There is no definitive answer to this question, as it depends on the individual computer and its specific features. However, some factors that could be considered include the type of processor, operating system, graphics card, and other hardware. Additionally, the software that is used to run on a computer can also affect how it is classified. For example, a Windows computer might be classified as a desktop computer because it typically uses a mouse and keyboard to interact with other applications. However, if the user prefers using a touchpad or trackball instead of a mouse and keyboard, then that would be classified as an laptop or notebook computer.

A computer is categorized based on its usage. A desktop computer is a personal computer that typically sits on one’s desk and is connected to a monitor, keyboard, and mouse. An Laptop or notebook computer is a portable device that can be carried around with ease. A server is typically located in the data center of an organization and provides information to other computers on the network.

Computers are categorized by their purpose.1) Personal Computers – used by individuals for personal use.2) Laptops – a portable version of a personal computer that is usually smaller and lighter than a desktop PC.3) Workstations – used by professionals in fields such as engineering, animation, graphic design, and architecture to create complex designs or render 3D images.

Personal Computers: These are the most common type of computers. They are used in homes, offices, and other places for work or entertainment. Personal computers can be laptops, desktops, tablets, or smart phones.Server Computers: Server computers are found in data centers and large companies that need to store a lot of data. Servers often have more storage space than personal computers because they do not need to be portable.

Central Processing Unit: The CPU is the brain of a computer and is responsible for executing instructions.Memory: Memory is often measured in bytes and is used to store temporary data.Input/Output Devices: Input devices include keyboards, mice, and touch screens while output devices include monitors and printers.Storage Devices: Storage devices are used to store data permanently on a computer.Operating System: Operating system software controls how a computer operates.

Computer are classified on the basis of their size and speed. The main classification is based on the size of the computer, which can be either a desktop or a laptop. Desktop computers are large and take up a lot of space while laptops are portable and can be used anywhere. Laptops also have certain limitations in terms of processing power, memory, storage capacity, etc., which make them less powerful than desktop computers.The other classification is based on their processing speed.

The classification of computer mainly differs in terms of their use. For example, a laptop is portable and designed for general usage, while a desktop computer is stationary and designed for heavy duty tasks.

Computers are categorized by the type of input they use. For example, a computer with a mouse and keyboard is called a “desktop” computer, while a computer with a touchscreen is called a “tablet.

The three main classification of computer are desktops, laptops, and tablets.

The three classes of computers are personal, server, and supercomputer. Personal computers are used by individuals for work or leisure. Server computers are used to store data and provide services to other computers. Supercomputers are used for simulations and modeling, as well as research in physics, biology, chemistry, engineering, and other fields.