Rainbow Alchemy Stars is a game that allows players to create their own stars with different colors. There are a variety of ways to play Rainbow Alchemy Stars, including online and offline modes. Players can create their own stars by selecting one of the five colors from the rainbow. The colors can be used to create new stars or mix and match to create unique combos. Players can also share their creations with others on social media or in chat rooms. Offline mode is the best way to play Rainbow Alchemy Stars because it doesn’t require internet connection. Players can create stars without any distractions, and they can also share their creations with others who are also playing the game. Online mode is also a great option if players want to have more fun but don’t have access to a computer or if they want to play on different devices at the same time. Players can also customize their stars by adding text, images, or music. They can even make their stars into games by playing them for longer periods of time and winning rewards such as coins or power ups. Rainbow Alchemy Stars is an excellent game that allows players to express themselves through color and creativity.

It’s the “right” way to play the game, but it can get a little boring. If you’re looking for something different, you can try building a rainbow (multi-element) team.

There’s some things you should keep in mind though:

Rainbow teams are worse than single-element teams. Use them for fun, not results. Rainbow teams pretty much need Gabriel. If you don’t have her, building a Rainbow team isn’t a good idea. Even in rainbow teams, it’s best to focus on 2 elements in the team. Reliance on Gabriel means you’ll want to prioritize Aurorians who have a Forest primary or sub-element. You want as many overlapping elements as possible.

Gabriel is a Must

As stated above, you really want to have Gabriel before you consider building a rainbow team.


Because of her Active Skill.

Gabriel’s Active Skill, Spring Breeze, works differently than other Converting skills

Instead of Converting a number of nearby tiles, Gabriel’s skill completely removes Blue, Red, or Yellow tiles from the map completely.

In this case, I’m going to remove Red tiles.

As you can see, there are no more Red tiles on the map. This skill is already powerful on its own, and it’s necessary in rainbow teams.

It also helps if your Gabriel is at Breakthrough (BT) 3, which requires a dupe. It makes her skill Preemptive, meaning it can be used on turn 1.

So if you don’t have Gabriel, don’t build a rainbow team yet – it simply won’t work.

Rainbow Teambuilding

Even though it’s called a “rainbow” team, it’s best to focus on 2 elements within the team.

A rainbow team’s reliance on Gabriel also means that it’ll be skewed towards other Forest Aurorians.

As shown above, I use Bethel, Gabriel, Sariel, Azure, and Areia in my rainbow team.

Four out of five of these units can use Green tiles, and with the exception of Gabriel, they can all make use of Blue tiles.

This is why Gabriel is important.

Her ability to delete your color of choice off the map gives the team more access to different colored tiles– which is the point of rainbow teams in the first place.

Azure is an important part of this team. Not only is she really (really) OP, she has a Forest Sub-Element, meaning that she synergizes well with Gabriel.

Because her primary element is Water, Sariel goes well with her – in part because she also has a forest sub-element. And because of her Water sub-element, Areia slots in well.

Bethel is used as my Captain simply because she’s my favorite unit, but her primary element being Water helps out, too.

Are Rainbow Teams Worth Building?

Well… Not really.

Rainbow teams have more flexibility than mono-element teams, but are worse in every other way.

The majority of content isn’t difficult though, so rainbow teams are able to clear most of it.

The big thing, though, is that rainbow teams offer a different way of playing the game that a lot of people find more fun than playing the “right way”. And more than anything, playing games is meant to be a fun experience.