The Doman reconstruction is a controversial topic in Final Fantasy XIV. Some players believe that the reconstruction is worth it, while others feel that it’s a waste of time and resources. The Doman reconstruction was announced at the game’s launch in 2010. The goal of the project was to rebuild the entire region of Doma, which had been destroyed by a natural disaster several years earlier. The reconstruction cost millions of dollars and took several years to complete. Many players believe that the reconstruction was worth it. They argue that the region now looks much better than it did before, and that it has improved the overall gameplay experience for everyone in the game. Others feel that the reconstruction was a waste of money and resources, arguing that there are other areas of Final Fantasy XIV that could use more funding. ..
Going through the quest line won’t take much effort either, as you’ll mostly just run around the Enclave to speak with NPCs and watch some cutscenes.
However, some quests are time gated, so you will only be able to progress up to certain points in the story every week.
Once you reach a time gated portion of the quest line, you will only be able to continue after the weekly reset on Tuesdays at 3AM EST.
How To Unlock Doman Reconstruction
To get started with the reconstruction efforts of the Doman Enclave, you’ll need to complete the level 70 side quest “Precious Reclamation” from Kozakura in the Doman Enclave (X:7.2, Y:7.3).
This quest will become available after finishing the level 70 Main Scenario Quest “Elation and Trepidation”.
To progress the story after “Precious Reclamation”, you’ll need to complete the level 54 side quest “Short Arms of the Law”. This is part of another quest line called “Doman Adventurers’ Guild” that takes place in Mor Dhona.
Doman Reconstruction Progress
Once you’ve unlocked the Doman Reconstruction, you can make progress with it by donating items to the Shazenkai – a group of Domans working towards the restoration of the Doman Enclave.
The Shazenkai is headed by a woman named Kozakura.
To donate items to the Shazenkai, head over to Kozakura who is found at the Doman Enclave (X:7.2, Y:7.3) and interact with the Donation Basket right next to her.
When you donating to the Shazenkai, you’ll receive a gratuity that’s equal to 120% of the amount you would get when selling the same items to a normal NPC vendor.
The Shazenkai has a weekly budget for the gratuities given to the player.
This means that after donating a certain number of items, you will need to wait for the weekly reset to continue.
As you donate more items and progress the reconstruction efforts, the Shazenkai’s weekly budget for gratuities will slowly increase. Certain side quests will pop up around the Enclave as well, providing cutscenes that show how the reconstruction is progressing.
Items that have been donated by accident can be reclaimed from the Reclamation Box near Kozakura.
Note: Logging out or changing areas will forfeit any items inside the Reclamation Box.
As the quest line’s story progresses you’ll see visible changes to the Doman Enclave such as less debris, repaired buildings, and more NPCs.
Rewards from the Doman Reconstruction
Aside from the gil received as gratuities from donating items to the Shazenkai, you will gain access to a Junkmonger that sells items which are not available anywhere else.
This Junkmonger NPC will show up at the Doman Enclave (X:6.9, Y:7.9) after you’ve donated 110,000 gil worth of items to the towards the Enclave Reconstruction.
More items will become available from the Junkmonger as you progress through the Doman Reconstruction quest line. Here’s a quick look at the items you can buy from the Junkmonger in the Doman Enclave:
The Yanxian Merchant’s Haori is an item level 1 piece of dyeable gear, so it is mainly used for glamour purposes. It’s the same piece of clothing that Kozakura will wear in the later parts of the quest line.
The haori is a reward for completing the quest “Lighting the Way” which concludes the Doman Reconstruction story line. It will also become available for purchase from the Enclave’s Junkmonger should you dispose of it for any reason.