Crowning is a process that has been used by monarchs and other heads of state for centuries to legitimize their rule. It is a ceremonial act that can be seen as a sign of legitimacy and strength. However, some people argue that crowning is not worth it because it can lead to corruption and instability. Crowning has been used by monarchs and other heads of state for centuries to legitimize their rule. It is a ceremonial act that can be seen as a sign of legitimacy and strength. However, some people argue that crowning is not worth it because it can lead to corruption and instability. The main reason why many people believe this is because crowning often leads to the rise of dictatorships or other forms of government where the ruler is not democratically elected. For example, in Thailand, King Bhumibol Adulyadej was crowned in 1946 after World War II ended and he ruled until his death in 2016. During his reign, Thailand experienced several coups d’état which led to instability and corruption. Another example of how crowning can lead to instability is found in Romania where King Michael I was crowned in 1965 after the death of his father, King Carol II. Michael I ruled Romania until his death in 2017, during which time he was accused of corruption and human rights abuses by the Romanian government. This shows how even if a ruler is democratically elected, crowning them can still have negative consequences for their country. ..

Leveling talents directly buffs an ability’s multipliers, but the difference between levels 9 to 10 is very insignificant.

So no, it’s not really worth it – because it’s just not resource-efficient to spend 700,000 Mora and sixteen 4-star talent books on a minor upgrade.

Instead, Crown of Insight is often considered a cosmetic item – just crown the characters you like.

Otherwise, it’s better to just use those resources for building other characters. Crowning only becomes worth it when there’s no other way of improving your character.

For instance, when you already have them at character level 90 with a level 90 weapon and great artifacts – so there’s little to no room for improvement. In this case, crowning becomes a good option by default.

Which Talents Are Worth Crowning?

Crowning is very expensive but gives very little in return.

Because of this, it’s often recommended to just crown your favorite characters. There are rarely any instances where crowning actually becomes resource-efficient.

Still, some talents are more worth crowning than others – simply because they’re relatively stronger or better.

This is especially true for DPS units and buffers that scale off their talent levels.

For instance, it’s more worth crowning Bennett’s burst than Kokomi’s skill. Increasing Bennett’s buffing ability simply benefits your teams more than buffing Kokomi’s healing.

To help you out, here’s a cheat sheet of which character talents are more worth crowning than others.

Note: This is based on meta only. Don’t let this stop you from crowning your favorite characters.

Is Triple-Crowning Worth It?

Characters worth triple-crowning are ones that benefit from all three talents.

This includes characters like Ayaka, Hu Tao, and Itto. Otherwise, it’s definitely not resource-efficient to triple-crown most characters.

It’s far better to only crown their best talent/s and then use the remaining resources on their teammates.

For example, Childe National or the International team.

You’ll gain a lot more from crowning Xiangling’s burst, Bennett’s burst, and Tartaglia’s skill instead of just triple-crowning Tartaglia.